Wait a second

In our busy lives, our smartphones are always ready to fill any gaps. Taking moments to do nothing has become rare, as everything moves quickly and seems available with just a few taps. The "Wait a Second" installation asks whether, in our constant search for distraction and productivity, we might sometimes lose ourselves. In "Wait a Second," not doing anything becomes an experience.

The "phygital" installation, created for the "Nothing" exhibition at the Museum of Communication in Bern, encourages visitors to deliberately take a moment to do nothing. During this time, their silhouette appears on a wall as if from nowhere. The longer someone stays in this moment of doing nothing, the longer the silhouette remains visible on the wall before fading away again. This gives a whole new perspective to the idea of not doing anything.



Julian Gander
Saskia Morgenegg


HSLU Spatial Design
Museum of Communication, Bern